
PenguinMod native offline desktop app for Linux and Windows

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


PenguinMod native offline desktop app for Linux and Windows


  • unzip
  • zip
  • npm (v20 or newer)
  • git
  • curl
  • python2
  • java

This can only be built on Linux. If you want to do this on Windows, you will have to use something like WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux).

MacOS is not supported as I can't test the packages on that!! (certified Apple moment)

How to use

Just open your terminal in the folder of the repositry and run the script with


Thats it! During the process it will ask you if you want to create zip files for the builds. You can answer with Y or N (Y = Yes and N = No)


Don't want to build this yourself? You can find pre-built packages here: