
Open source api and examples for managing Plum Lightpads via PHP.

Primary LanguagePHP

All scripts tested in Windows 10 64-bit while running with PHP 5.6.24 (XAMPP) or PHP 7.1.2

Getting Started:
1)	You'll probably want a WAMP / LAMP stack installed, which falls outside of this guide but
	I recommend using XAMPP for beginners running on a windows box.
	At very least you need PHP installed.
2)	You need to have the following enabled in php.ini. (Remove the ; in front of them)

3)	Edit the config file to match your environment:
			Update the $plum_account_email and $plum_account_password variables with the 
			login information to plum.  These get added together and hashed using 
			base64_encode before getting sent over HTTPS to plum.
			Update $wait_for_this_many_lightpads_to_be_found to however many lightpads you 
			have installed in your house.

4)	Run both config builder scripts.
			This downloads all the information about your house and connected lightpads
			from the Plum web servers and puts it in a nice json format.
			This monitors the network for lightpad heartbeats and writes their IP / port
			and ID to a file. Just a listener, you can set the 
			$wait_for_this_many_lightpads_to_be_found variable to 99 and it will 
			continually scan for IP changes / additions of lightpads and update the 
			config file accordingly.
			c:\php\php.exe config_builder_house_config.php
			c:\php\php.exe config_builder_lightpad_config.php
6)	Give it a test run.  Execute cycle_all_lights.php to verify everything is working
			c:\php\php.exe cycle_all_lights.php
	Or watch the lightpad events in real time.
			c:\php\php.exe plum_lightpad_stream.php