
X-Plum-House-Access-Token without access to Plum web server?

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi there,

With Plum servers now MIA is there any way to manage these switches? My app is signed-out and I'm hoping there's a quicker way to get connected than Wireshark and parsing traffic :(

I’ve been wondering how many other folks might be motivated to help solve these problems.

I've got a list of IPs from the firewall that my lightpads are trying to connect to. Planning to setup an https server this weekend and route those subnets to see what kind of queries get sent. Unfortunately that kind of reverse engineering may not do much good without knowing expected responses on the lightpads themselves, and sending random stuff may brick it.

Right now the lightpads are active on the network, but it seems that without the house ID I can't send commands.

@incentre Make any progress? That header appears to be a SHA256 of the actual access token. (Based on the iOS app's behavior.)

I'll be honest the servers (and with it Google Home) suddenly started working again so I haven't bothered. I definitely need to see if I can MitM these with a fake SSL server before it goes away again, though.