TG Bridger

A Telegram Channel bridger. This bridge sends the message posted in one or many channel to one or many channel.


  • Supports Multiple Bridging Techniques.
    • One - One Bridging
    • Many - One Bridging
    • One - Many Bridging
    • Many - Many Bridging
  • Filter Message By Regex

How To Use

  • Get your Telegram API ID, API HASH from Telegram.
  • Paste API ID, HASH and Phone Number in .env file
  • Install requirements by pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Then Build a config file running python
  • Finally, run Code by python


  • If you can't receive or read message, Make sure your account have permission.
  • If you are running code in AWS, you possibly can't login as Telegram blocks login requests from AWS. A workaround will be logging in locally and using the session file in AWS.

This code was part of a freelance project. The code might be unstable and might not be actively maintained.
Any contribution is highly appreciated.

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