
Hack Raspberry Pi(s) across the world using Shodan !!

Primary LanguagePython


This script uses the Shodan API to search for Raspbian devices running an SSH server, and tries to SSH into them by using the default credentials pi:raspberry.


  • paramiko (the SSH client)
  • shodan (the API client)
  • colorama (the colored output module)

...which can be installed by running pip3 install -r requirements.txt on Linux and python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt on Windows.


usage: rpigrab.py [-h] [-i FILE] [-n] [-k KEY] [-l FILE] [-w FILE]
                       [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-d] [-s SSTRING] [-sk KEY]
                       [-c CMD] [--enum]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i FILE, --input FILE
                        List of IPs
  -n, --no-exit         Run indefinitely, restarting once the scan is finished
  -k KEY, --api-key KEY
                        Use KEY as the Shodan API key
  -l FILE, --log-paramiko FILE
                        Log Paramiko SSH's progress to FILE
  -w FILE, --workfile FILE
                        Output successful IPs to FILE
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        Use alternate username
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Use alternate password
  -d, --debug           Show debug information
  -s SSTRING, --search-string SSTRING
                        Use SSTRING as the Shodan query string
  -sk KEY, --ssh-key KEY
                        Try auth with KEY as SSH key
  -c CMD, --command CMD
                        Run CMD after a successful connection
  --enum                Enumerate system specs

Additionally, the script can be edited (specifically the variable api_key) to not require an API key argument.

By default, the script will poll Shodan for results and write the IPs into a list, trying them until it reaches the end.


Running with -n/--no-exit resets the successful and total tries counters on every try.

--enum will print out an empty character if there's no L3 cache ([1] 4 CPUs | L3 | 0 GPU(s))


NOTE: It is Only For Educational Purposes. Neither I Say Nor I Promote To Do Anything Illegal
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