
Demonstrating BuckleScript without a bundler

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Bucklescript no-bundle demo

This is an example of a bucklescript project that runs using ES6 modules without bundling.

The main limitation is that you can only depend on other ES6-compatible modules, which probably means only other bucklescript projects. As soon as you try to require anything else out of your node_modules folder a bundler is almost certainly required (since they're generally distributed as commonjs).

This works without bundling on all current browsers except IE and FireFox (which still has it behind a flag until v60).

  • npm link bs-platform
  • bsb -w
  • load demo.html in a browser (must use a webserver due to CORS restrictions)

At this point changes made in the source code will be ready for a browser refresh before you're able to trigger the refresh 😉

It wouldn't be difficult to create a server with livereload, but I don't need that nor am I very familiar with setting it up.

The HTML demo includes a nomodule fallback for older browsers, to compile it:

  • npm i
  • npm run bundle

Tnis uses rollup, with a dual config in order to minify output on npm publish.