
Software Projects for Industrial Collaboration with NCSOFT

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Software Projects for Industrial Collaboration(KAIST CS409) with NCSOFT


KAIST 15 Junkyu Park @junQ
KAIST 17 Seungho Baek @TheStarkor
NCSOFT Vision AI Lab Human Pose Team Yeongeon Lee


  1. Proposal Presentation
  2. Mid Presentation
  3. Final Presentation



  1. Paper Review (HMR, SMPLify, SPIN)
  2. Environment Setting & run SPIN demo
  3. 2D & 3D parameters
    • 2D parameter (numpy)
      Name Shape Description
      imgname 1 image path
      center 2 position of image center
      scale 1 scale of image
      part 24 X 3 2D GT
      24 body parts X ( position(2) + confidence(1) )
      openpose 25 X 3 Openpose result
      24 body parts X ( position(2) + confidence(1) )
    • 3D parameter (numpy)
      Name Shape Description
      pose 72 global orientation (3)
      23 joints with axis angle value
      shape 10 mesh parameter
      has_smpl 1 Boolean value whether dataset has smpl value or not
      S 24 X 4 3D GT
      24 joints with axis angle
    • Input parameter (tensor)
      Name Shape Description
      init_pose 1 X 72 pose parameter
      init_betas 1 X 10 shape parameter
      init_cam_t 1 X 3 camera parameter
      camera_center 1 X 2 0.5 * 224 * torch.ones(1, 2, device=0)
      joints 1 X 49 X 3 openpose result (1 X 25 X 3)
      2D GT (1 X 24 X 3)
  4. Pre-processing
  5. Multi-view constraint debugging
  6. Generating Pseudo-GT datasets
  7. Training & Analyzing

Project Management

