
A Simple NDCore oxlib badge system

Primary LanguageLua



Stoic-Badge is a resource designed to manage badge numbers for players and display relevant player information.


  • Set Badge Number: Admins can set the badge number for players using the set-badgenumber command.
  • Display Player Information: Server can show player information such as job label, rank name, fullname, and badge number to nearby players using the showPlayerInfo event.
    • This is used to show your information from NDFramework to other player either via /flashbagde command or ox_inventory items.



  • Description: Set the BadgeNumber for the player.
  • Permission: Restricted
  • Parameters:
    • badgeNumber (string): The badge number to set. Examples [1K02 - 101 - K1K02]


The set-badgenumber command allows administrators to assign a badge number to players, which is useful for identification purposes. When a badge number is set, players receive a notification confirming the update.

The showPlayerInfo event enables the server to broadcast player information such as job label, rank name, fullname, and badge number to nearby players. This feature enhances immersion and role-playing dynamics within the server environment.

ox_inventory Installation

  • Download and unzip Stoic-Badge
  • Rename Stoic-Badge-main to Stoic-Badge
  • Navigate to Stoic-Badge/images & copy said .png's from this folder to;
    • ox_inventory/web/images
  • Then Navigate to ox_inventory/data/items.lua and add the following to the end.

ox_inventory items.lua

Special thanks to


For the prop setup and anims for showbadge anim and progression bar.

    -- BADGES: Police
    ['badge_fib'] = { -- idea: Player uses item to show badge prop
        label = 'FIB Badge',
        weight = 444,
        consume = 0,
        description = "For official use by FIB Agents only",
        client = {
            export = 'Stoic-Badge.fibBadge',

    ['badge_bcso'] = { -- idea: Player uses item to show badge prop
        label = 'BCSO Badge',
        weight = 444,
        consume = 0,
        description = "For official use by FIB Agents only",
        client = {
            export = 'Stoic-Badge.countyBadge',

    ['badge_sahp'] = { -- idea: Player uses item to show badge prop
        label = 'SAHP Badge',
        weight = 444,
        consume = 0,
        description = "For official use by FIB Agents only",
        client = {
            export = 'Stoic-Badge.stateBadge',

    ['badge_lspd'] = { -- idea: Player uses item to show badge prop
        label = 'LSPD Badge',
        weight = 444,
        consume = 0,
        description = "For official use by FIB Agents only",
        client = {
            export = 'Stoic-Badge.policeBadge'

NON-inventory Installation

  • Download and unzip Stoic-Badge
  • Rename Stoic-Badge-main to Stoic-Badge
  • Navigate to your server.cfg and ensure Stoic-Badge

Configuration Guide for Notification Styles

This guide explains how to configure the notification styles and colors in your Lua script.

Configuration Options

Default Notification Style (Config.defaultNotificationStyle)

  • backgroundColor: Specifies the background color of the notification box. It is set to a grey background #141414.
  • color: Sets the text color inside the notification box. The default is white text #ffffff.
  • border: Defines the border style of the notification box. It is set to a blue border 2px solid #094ed9.
  • padding: Specifies the padding around the content inside the notification box. It is set to 15px.
  • fontFamily: Determines the font family used for text inside the notification box. It is set to Arial, sans-serif.
  • borderRadius: Sets the degree of rounded corners for the notification box. It is set to 5px.
  • boxShadow: Adds a shadow effect to the notification box. The shadow has a 2px offset horizontally and vertically, with a 5px blur radius, and the color is a transparent black rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3).

Default Icon Color (Config.defaultIconColor)

  • defaultIconColor: Sets the default color for icons used in notifications. It is set to a blue color #094ed9.

Notification Styles Based on Job (Config.notificationStyles)

The notificationStyles table allows you to define specific border styles and icon colors for different job categories.


  • For the LSPD job:

    • border: Defines a blue border 2px solid #094ed9.
    • iconColor: Sets the icon color to blue #094ed9.
  • For the BCSO job:

    • border: Defines a green border 2px solid #2e5930.
    • iconColor: Sets the icon color to green #2e5930.
  • For the sasp job:

    • border: Defines a yellow border 2px solid #ffcc00.
    • iconColor: Sets the icon color to yellow #ffcc00.

Jobs Explained

  • Ensure to match the job names in your configuration with the ones in your ND_Characters.

Copyable Configuration

Config = {}

-- Default notification style
Config.defaultNotificationStyle = {
    backgroundColor = "#141414", -- Grey background
    color = "#ffffff", -- White text
    border = "2px solid #094ed9", -- Blue border
    padding = "15px", -- Padding around the content
    fontFamily = "Arial, sans-serif", -- Font family
    borderRadius = "5px", -- Rounded corners
    boxShadow = "2px 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)" -- Box shadow

-- Default icon color
Config.defaultIconColor = "#094ed9" -- blue

-- Notification styles based on job
Config.notificationStyles = {
    LSPD = {
        border = "2px solid #094ed9", --  Blue border
        iconColor = "#094ed9" --  Blue
    BCSO = {
        border = "2px solid #2e5930", -- Green border
        iconColor = "#2e5930" -- Green
    sasp = {
        border = "2px solid #ffcc00", -- Yellow border
        iconColor = "#ffcc00" -- Yellow