
A Simple NON-Inventory NDCore Search resource. W/ Hide Attempt

Primary LanguageLuaThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Stoic-SimpleWeaponSearch is a FiveM resource designed to provide roleplaying servers with a realistic and interactive weapon search system. Players with specific job roles (such as police officers) can initiate a search on other players to check for weapons. The target player has a chance to "hide" their weapons using a skill check, adding a layer of interaction and unpredictability.


  • Job Restricted: Only players with specific jobs (e.g., police, sheriff) can initiate weapon searches.
  • Skill Checks: Target players can attempt to hide their weapons through a skill-based mini-game.
  • Notification System: Both search initiators and targets receive clear, informative notifications about the outcome of the search.
  • Configurable: Easy to modify job permissions and weapon list via the configuration file.


Before installing, ensure your FiveM server has the following:

  • FiveM server setup
  • ND_Core (or another core resource providing player job data you will have to convert if so.)
  • ox_lib (for notification handling)


  1. Clone or download the repository

    git clone https://github.com/your-github-username/Stoic-SimpleWeaponSearch.git
  2. Copy to your resources directory

    Place the Stoic-SimpleWeaponSearch folder into your server's resources directory.

  3. Add to your server.cfg

    Ensure the resource is started after its dependencies. Add the following line to your server.cfg:

    ensure Stoic-SimpleWeaponSearch
  4. Configure the resource

    Edit the config.lua file to set up the jobs allowed to perform weapon searches and customize the weapon list as needed.


  • Starting a Search: In-game, players with the appropriate job role can use the /checkweapons <playerID> command where <playerID> is the server ID of the player they wish to search.
  • Skill Check: Automatically initiated for the target player to attempt hiding their weapons.
  • Outcome: Both parties receive notifications about the search results.


Edit the config.lua file to specify which jobs can use the weapon search command and manage the weapons list. Example settings:

Config.AllowedJobs = {
    ["lspd"] = true,
    ["bcso"] = true,
    ["sahp"] = true,
    ["lsfd"] = true

-- Pre-made list, yet can be expanded upon.
Config.WeaponsList = {
    { hash = `WEAPON_PISTOL`, name = "Pistol" },