The Box

A game that you hide a box and the thing is that other teams are trying to steal it from you. The box location is wisabale on the web and depnding on your teams score it's easier/harder to find whare some one else have hiden it. These points can be added by an admin so you shuld be able to have puzzels att the side to give the points manualy or an online form.


each team get a code whitch thay type in to the box when they find it from that point the location beacon gose quiet for X min. Now they re hide it. the other teams are getting ther points from some other puzzel, when a team thinks they know whare the Box is hidden they try to find it and clain it whit ther code. its cost to claim the box, more each time you find the box

A teame can pay points to get

  • the down time to be longer
  • Disruption fore everyone else
  • get a hint on a puzzel

things in the box

  • Raspberry pi
  • GPS unit
  • Tutch screen/Numpad
  • Internet module 3G/4G
  • Battery pack

Read more on gps trackers


team	membes	code	points

1 skog 4 ABC 2 2 vinter 2 Cand 1