
A small tool that can bump versions in your software

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Project Status: Abandoned


Lets you bump versions in your software

Need a one line command to increase the version number of your shiny software? Then maybe BumpVersion is right for you. After the initial setup of a project file describing what should be done when bumping the version, all you ever need to do is executing a single command to bump the version in your whole application.

Getting started

Create a file called bumpversion.xml in your project folder and fill it with the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
	<Task type="WriteToFile">
		<key name="files" value="version.txt" />

This would write the version number to a file called version.txt everytime you run the application.

Now if you want to bump the version of your project to 1.2 you would call bumpversion.exe via the command line with bumpversion.exe 1.2

A more complex example

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<bumpversion currentVersion="1.1">
		<!-- Read files in program.csproj and store them in @code_files -->
		<Task type="ReadVSProject">
			<key name="projectFile" value="program.csproj" />
			<key name="output" value="code_files" />
		<!-- Replace version number in all files in the project -->
		<Task type="ReplaceInFile">
 			<key name="files" value="@code_files" />
		<!-- Write version to a file called "version.txt" -->
		<Task type="WriteToFile">
			<key name="files" value="version.txt" />
		<!-- Update ID in WiX project "product.wxs" in the Setup folder -->
		<Task type="WixProductID">
			<key name="wixFile" value="Setup/product.wxs" />
		<!-- Commit the changes to the local git repository and use a custom message -->
		<Task type="GitCommit">
			<key name="message" value="Version is now {0}" />

When you bump the version using this file the following things will be done:

  • First read all code file from the Visual Studio C# Project 'program.csproj' and store them in a variable
  • Search in every file in the project for a version and replace it
  • Write the version number to a file (let's assume the program uses this file for something)
  • Then generate a new ProductID in the WiX definition file for the program's setup file so the installer can be used to upgrade a previous installation
  • And finally commit everything to the local git repository


A project file may contain as many tasks as you want to. For every task you need to add a Task-element to your project file. Also you have to specify what type the task is by providing a type-attribute to the element. If the tasks requires further configuration you can add these configurations by putting key-elements inside the task. The key-element needs a name-attribute and a value-attribute.

The value-attribute either takes a normal value like fileName or 123 or a variable that was created by a task prior to the current one. To pass a variable use @variable_name as the value of the value-attribute.


Creates a variable with a given name and value that can be used in other tasks.

Key Description Required?
name Name of the variable to create Yes
value Value of the variable Yes


Commits changes to a git repository.

Key Description Required?
message The message to use while committing. No (default is "Bump version to {0}"). Omitting the {0} token will result in a warning.


Reads files from a Visual Studio Project file and stores them in a variable. This is useful if you want to apply some operations to a whole bunch of files that are part of a Visual Studio project.

Key Description Required?
projectFile Name of the project file that should be parsed. Yes
output Name of the variable the parsed files will be stored in. Yes
elements List of elements that should be searched for when parsing the project. No (default is Compile, Page and None)


Replaces all occurrences in the given files of the current version with the one being bumped to.

Key Description Required?
files List of files that should be searched Yes
search The regular expression to to search for No (default is \b(OLD_VERSION)\b([^\.]){1} with OLD_VERSION being the regex-escaped value of the old version. So for 1.2.3 this would be 1.2.3
replace The value used to replace all found occurrences No (default is NEW_VERSION$2with NEW_VERSION being the version you bump to.


Generates a new ProductID in a WiX project file. This is useful if you want to create an installer that can update previous installations.

Key Description Required?
wixFile Name of the WiX project file that should be updated. Yes


Writes the version number to a file (will overwrite any content the file already has).

Key Description Required?
files List of files the version number should be written to. Yes


Prints the new Version number on an image. This can be used to automatically create splash screens with the correct version number for example.

Key Description Required?
source File name of the image that will be used as a template Yes
dest File name to save the watermarked image to. Given in the form X;Y;W;H (W and H can be ommited to use the entire remaining image) Yes
rect Rectangle (in pixels) that defines where to print the version to. No (default is to use the entire image)
color Color that should be used to print the text. Can be specified like colors in HTML No (default is white)
font Font that should be used to print the text. Specify as Font:Size. When Size is omitted 12 pts will be used. No (default is Arial in 12 pt)


Writes a message to the console when the task is being executed.

Key Description Required?
text The message to display on the console. Yes
stderr Write message to stderr? No (default is to write to stdout)

=========== More tasks will be added :)