admob for flash ref: admob_all_in_one.ane contains admob for ios and for android in one file,very convenient ref: requred air sdk 3.9 or later admob ane for air mobile ad ,support Interstitial and Banner<p/> support landscape and portrait and autoOrient<p/> support ios 5, ios 6, ios 7 ,and android<p/> support all native event<p/> base on admob ios sdk 6.6.7 and admob android sdk 6.4.1<p/> air sdk 3.9 <p/> very easy to use ,just three line code for simple usage<p/> simple banner usage: var admob:Admob=Admob.getInstance();<p/> admob.setBannerKeys("a152834c2b8cce6");<p/> admob.showBanner(Admob.BANNER,AdPosition.BOTTOM_CENTER);<p/> usage Interstitial ad (full screen ad) var admob:Admob=Admob.getInstance(); admob.setInterstitialKeys("a152834c8723912"); if (admob.isInterstitialReady())// check ad has cached ,if true show it { admob.showInterstitial(); } else { admob.cacheInterstitial(); } for android. you need add in application-app.xml <manifest android:installLocation="auto"> <uses-sdk android:targetSdkVersion="11"/> <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="8"/> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/> <application> <activity android:name="" android:configChanges="keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation|screenLayout|uiMode|screenSize|smallestScreenSize"/> </application> </manifest> more function 1. handler ad event like this. admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.onBannerReceive, onAdReceived); 2. get ad size info protected function onAdReceived(event:AdEvent):void { if(event.type==AdEvent.onBannerReceive){ trace(,; } } 3.get screen size info,old version function,not include any more in this version admob.getScreenSize() 4. get mac address or device id of device ,old version function,not include any more in this version admob.getMacAddress() 6.6.7 1.fix crash when change banner size 2.update admob sdk to 6.6.7 6.6.0 landscape and portrait and autoOrient relation position and Absolute position ios 5, ios 6, ios 7 ,and android 4.update admob sdk to last version 6.4.1 enable Interstitial admob ad 6.3.1 update: 1.include ios and android in one file 2.enable debug and pack on pc 3.base on admob6.3 no more use udid 4.enable get ad size info and screen size info
admob ane for flash air iOS app and actionscript android app.include banner and Interstitial native Advertising