Webhook Templates for The Things Stack

This repository contains Webhook templates to be used with The Things Stack.

Webhook templates format and instantiation process are defined by The Things Stack official documentation.

File Format

Webhook templates are defined in YAML files. An example YAML file can be found in this repository under example.yml, while an index of webhook templates is in templates.yml.


Thank you for your interest in building this thing together with us. We're really happy with our active community and are glad that you're a part of it.

The Things Stack uses the github.com/TheThingsNetwork/lorawan-webhook-templates as default source for fetching Webhook templates. Therefore, contributing to this open source repository makes Webhook templates automatically available to Stack deployments with default settings. You can contribute by submitting pull requests. Are you new to GitHub? That's great! Read here about pull requests. Please also use the editor settings as defined in .editorconfig.

When submitting a new Webhook template or making changes to an existing one, please make sure the integration defined by it works correctly.