
This is the way of finding the GCD using euclid's theorem

Primary LanguagePython


This is the way of finding the GCD using euclid's theorem

Finding the Greatest common denominator of two numbers (n1 and n2) using the euclidean equation of writing the GCD where a, b are arbitrary constants: GCD(n1,n2) = a * n1 + b * n2

*CODE n1=int(input("Please enter the smaller digit:")) n2=int(input("please enter the larger digit:"))

if n2%n1==0: print("gcd is:",n1) exit()

check1=n1 i=1 while check1i<n2: check1=n1i i=i+1


final1=n2-check1 final2=check2-n2

if final1<final2: print("gcd is:",final1) else: print("gcd is:",final2)