
VRChat Accessibility mod (For colour blind assist currently want to add more in the future) Big thanks to Meru for the help with getting this going as I am too pepega to work out some stuff.

Primary LanguageC#

VRChatAccessibility Downloads

Note: This only functions in desktop mode. This will be fixed in the future.

VRChatAccessibility is a mod to add accessibility to VRChat for colour blind users.

Requires PlagueButtonAPI


Step 1. Install MelonLoader (Ideally 0.5.3) from here

Step 2. Download VRChatAccessibility.dll from the right in Releases, found here, and place the file into your VRChat's Mods folder, you can find this by right clicking VRChat in Steam and selecting Manage -> Browse local files.

Step 3. Download PlagueButtonAPI.dll from Plague's repository, found here, and place the file into your VRChat's Mods folder, you can find this by right clicking VRChat in Steam and selecting Manage -> Browse local files.


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