Sample widgets for the .NET Core renderer
This is a repository contains the samples to demonstrate how to develop your frontend applications with Sitefinity.
Follow the instructions here
Follow the instructions here
- accessing-context-information - for accessing context information such as current user, language, page, site
- all-fields - for reading & rendering the different kinds of custom fields on the front-end
- all-properties - for creating designers
- angular-renderer-front-end - for scripting client side angular web components
- blazor - for integrating blazor components in the .Net ViewComponent widgets
- blazor-dev-tools - for integrating Telerik UI for blazor components in the .Net ViewComponent widgets
- bootstrap-overides - for overriding the default boostrap classes
- captcha - for creating a captcha widget for forms by using google recaptcha v2 or v3.
- change-grid-system - for using a TailWind, a different css grid system
- color-palettes - for configuring the default color pickers and registering new color palettes to be used in the widget designers
- conditional-rendering-in-editor - demonstrates how conditional rendering can be applied based on the current context - edit, preview or live
- content-selectors - for working with Sitefinity content in the widget designers
- custom-form-fields - for building a custom hidden input widget and a custom date input widget.
- custom-layout - for creating custom base templates
- custom-section - for creating a custom layout widget with hard-coded columns and passing data to child widgets.
- extended-content-block - for overriding the logic of the content block. (valid for any OOB widget)
- extended-content-list - for creating custom views for the content list widget.
- graphql - for querying data with graphql
- hello-world - for creating a hello world widget and configuring the different types of properties of the SitefinityWidget attribute.
- html-sanitizer - for overriding the logic for html sanitizer.
- integration-tests - for writing integration tests.
- language-selector - for creating a language selector dropdown widget that holds the languages of the current site.
- localization - for localizing your Layouts and ViewComponents
- master-detail - for implementing a custom master/detail navigation from an external data source.
- mega-menu - for building a complex menu with dropdowns and placing custom/personalized content in those dropdowns.
- migrate-data-to-cms - how to migrate your external data to the Sitefinity CMS using the C# REST SDK
- native-chat - for creating a NativeChat widget and binding a dropdown to a custom data source.
- quantum - for working with the Quantum sample demo.
- react-renderer-front-end - for scripting client side react components
- registration-widget-with-custom-fields - for addding custom fields to the registration widget.
- script-widget - sample script widget implementation for placing runtime JavaScript on the page.
- separate-widget-per-component - example on how to create a separate entry for each widget view inside the Select widget dialog.
- share-data-between-widgets - for sharing data between two widgets in a very early stage of the pipeline before the page is executed.
- sitefinity-data - basic example for accessing data through OData Web Services and limiting access to the Sitefinity OData service.
- sitefinity-insight - for submitting custom data to sitefinity insight connector
- starter-template - for basing your project with everything set-upped.
- tabs-section - for building custom widget that can be used to create 2 tabs layout
- widget-library - for building your custom distributed widget libraries and templates. Additionally this sample includes information on how to add your own custom scripts alongside the views.