- amgodoiCuritiba, Brazil
- AnantTiwari-NamanIndia
- CharlesVeryGudBoy999
- couchemarC.Nord
- DioxideCorporation
- DonutDev127.0.0.1
- dreamos82Dublin
- emanuelfranklynBrasil
- FelipeCarlin
- GandelXIVCzechia
- Glowman554On the mars
- hacknorris-codeantarctida
- ImDaBigBossQuite probably on earth
- JoverZhang
- KfeavelUnited States
- kushagra765India
- Kyota-exeMontréal, Québec, Canada
- mguinhosBrasil
- michael105Self employed
- NeoGenioMumbai, India
- nk2IsHere~
- nothotscott
- PQCraft
- ReperakDevin your head rent-free
- rgimadKazan, Tatarstan, Russia
- ry755
- SigmanificientStudent @Epitech 2028
- skubcatCanada
- Supercip971France (Lyon)
- TalonFloof(uses gentoo btw)
- TheGBOthe
- toothbrush7777777England
- tuxisawesome
- v0lun4In the grid
- ViseTine