
My dotfiles =]

Primary LanguageShell

TheUC dotfiles

These are my dotfiles. Installation is quite easy (script from https://github.com/thoughtbot/dotfiles/blob/master/install.sh):

git clone git://github.com/TheUnknownCylon/dotfiles.git
cd dotfiles

System configuration

Currently, the following configs are in this repo:

  • Bash
  • urxvt (Terminal)
  • Xmonad (Tiling window manager)


If you are running ArchLinux, the following commands might be of interest to you, since they will install all software required to enjoy all this dotfiles functionalities.

pacman -S git                    # :)
pacman -S rxvt-unicode           # urxvt
pacman -S xmonad xmonad-contrib  # Xmonad WM
pacman -S xcompmgr               # Composition manager

pacman -S bash-completion        # Better bash autocompletion
pacman -S pkgfile                # Pkg suggestions on non-installed commando calls

pacman -S udiskie                # Automount disks etc.
pacman -S unclutter              # If installed, the mouse will be hidden after 10 seconds being unused
pacman -S nitrogen               # Wallpaper management