
It sure is a text editor; nothing in the readme will be followed through on. but i thought it'd be fun to add a few things to it in 2024

Primary LanguageLua

Pretty Icon, Again Love2D Text Editor

This is a text editor, built in Love2D from scratch.


  • Nice indentation
  • Saving and loading
  • Scrollbar
  • Basic syntax highlighting
  • More particles
  • Refactor some things
  • Somehow make the question mark look less weird.
  • Maybe expand this into a full fantasy console sorta thing?
    • API? (Love2D API but smaller)
    • Specs? (Most likely 360x240 full color)
    • Limits? (Probably not)
    • SmileBASIC-inspired?
    • Inputs? Mouse and keyboard? Mouse, keyboard, gamepad?

[2024] ..But it never seems to actually open?

Oh! Sorry, it reads from stdin for its initial state. If you do cat game.lua | love . it'll appear with its source code like it did before. If you're on Windows, what are you doing?! (I think you can press Ctrl+D on both platforms to close the stdin and let Love2D start.)


Just don't steal it and pass it off as your own thing, okay?
