Generate readable IDs from animal nouns and adjectives
const idGen = require('animal-ids');
const id = idGen.generateID(); // firsthand_wary_group
const verySpecialID = idGen.generateID(10, '-'); // lumbering-colossal-utter-decisive-silly-sweet-pointless-outlandish-unlucky-basilisk
const mutatedID = idGen.generateID(3, '_', (id) => id + 42); // concrete_cooked_scoter42
const { animals, adjectives} = idGen; // Returns you animal and adjective list that is used for generation
Function that returns randomly generated ID. Takes 3 options: length(default is 3), separator(default is _), and mutator(no default)
array that contains all animal nouns used for ID generation
array that contains all adjectives used for ID generation