- Fork and Clone this repository
- Create CRUD Routes.
- Style your site. However, CRUD is the priority.
- Deploy your site
- Your homepage can be whatever you want. Make sure it has a link to your index page.
- Your index page should list all your movies. The titles of the movies should link to that movies show page. There should be a button that links to each movie's edit page and a button to delete each movie.
- Your new page should have form fields for "title", "director", "year", "your rating", and "poster url".
- Your edit page should display the poster have form fields for "title", "director", "year", "your rating", and "poster url".
- Your show page should display the poster and info for "title", "director", "year", and "your rating".
Use the RESTful routes for each of your routes.
- GET /movies lists all movies
- POST /movies creates a new movie
- GET /movies/:id show one movie
- GET /movies/:id/edit form to edit a movie
- ... etc