homework for ataccama job application process
This task is about implementing of web-based database browser (similar to desktop application DBeaver) with basic functionality and for single database vendor only. Browser should be able to register multiple database connections and browse their data and structure. The result should be RESTful service with its own database. This task should be implemented in Java. Database for persistence of data is your choice.
If you want to test this application on your machine, please build the jar file (mvn clean install
), then run docker-compose up --build
in the root location.
Docker will run three containers:
- db is postgres database for storing connection details,
- db_test is postgres database with the generated test data table
, - hw one is this springboot application.
Under assumption that you've launched containers, documentation can be accessed on http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html.
If you want to connect to database with generated test table employees
, please use following parameters:
"databaseName": "testdb",
"hostname": "db_test",
"name": "testdb",
"password": "passwordtest",
"port": 5432,
"username": "usertest"