- A simple visualization lib for KDL::Chains.. This library provides a] code for rendering a KDL chain vizualization into an existing OpenGL context b] a class derived from QGLWidget to drop the visualization into an existing Qt app c] a class derived from the previous class that offers some rudimentary navigation to be able to change the view, etc. - Requirements KDL [a relatively recent version is required [SVN at Nov. 24, 2008] Qt [Version 4 or greater with OpenGL support] Qt is only required if you want to build the QKDLChainView or QKDLChainWidget - Installation ./bootstrap.sh ./configure [your options here, see ./configure --help] make make install - Documentation If you have doxygen installed you can simply do make doc and then point your browser to ./doc/html/index.html - Comments, Patches, etc.. Send to Florian Schmidt (fschmidt@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de) - Author Florian Paul Schmidt (fschmidt@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de)