- 7
[BUG]: Video overflow happens in android devices while using modal with scroll view
#4413 opened by VenkateshSekaran18 - 3
[BUG]: Volume control is missing.
#4427 opened by haiderTkxel - 11
[BUG]: Crash issues in Android due to PIP mode
#4446 opened by MdAbubakar - 1
[BUG]: Play a video after seekTo action, audio is heard glitchy and video moves faster for a sec
#4445 opened by venumeshbhaibaldani - 2
[BUG]: Rewind / forward speed has been reduced, Not consistently receiving onSeek callback while speed is 16/32/64x
#4444 opened by venumeshbhaibaldani - 1
- 15
[BUG]: There is no sound
#4400 opened by ngdlmk - 2
[BUG]: Ad not shown on iOS fullscreen
#4402 opened by johankasperi - 11
- 11
[BUG]: Issue with H265 Streams in IOS
#4380 opened by vivekremiji1993 - 2
- 6
[BUG]: RCTPlayerObserver.swift:286:81 Type 'AVPlayerItem' has no member 'newAccessLogEntryNotification'
#4421 opened by ankushpatale - 3
[BUG]: Cant rotate video orientation using transform!
#4435 opened by Sagar911-rn - 3
[BUG]: iOS - AVPlayerItem Status Observer Not Triggering on iOS so not seeing continuous throbber and black screen
#4433 opened by venBharathManjunath - 4
- 5
[BUG]: Android below 13 versions decoding error.
#4425 opened by Ibad9 - 1
- 8
- 3
[BUG]: When exiting the app when a video is loaded, it rebuffers it again when going back in.
#4393 opened by Alexk2309 - 4
- 3
[BUG]: [CoreAudio] HALPlugIn.cpp:552 HALPlugIn::DeviceGetCurrentTime: got an error from the plug-in routine, Error: 1937010544 (stop)
#4389 opened by fendermany - 1
[BUG]: 0.78 compatibility
#4429 opened by CoryWritesCode - 2
[BUG]: Ads in iOS start playing immediately after loading wheres on Android they follow the current player state
#4428 opened by sankhadeeproy007 - 1
[BUG]: Using the AirPod pause button starts whatever is on in the background
#4426 opened by rustygloves - 6
[BUG]: React Native Video - Aspect Ratio Changes Automatically for HLS on Android
#4416 opened by jijithjayakumar - 2
- 3
[BUG]: Cannot compile for TVOS
#4424 opened by jzongker - 6
- 2
[BUG]: The text of the gradle error when checking the required AndroidX version is wrong
#4419 opened by ThomasGuenard - 5
[BUG]: RTSP on android failed
#4375 opened by DGonzo01 - 7
[BUG]: [Android] How to hide the video controls by default, and show it when user taps the video player
#4406 opened by cool725 - 2
[BUG]: when video ad is being played the require data is not being populated from native side the object coming blank
#4405 opened by thesaifalitai - 3
- 1
[BUG]: test
#4412 opened by moskalakamil - 12
- 1
[Feature]: onSeekStart Event
#4410 opened by stephenlindauer - 3
[BUG]: showing duplicate tracks
#4401 opened by himanshu8443 - 7
[Feature]: Add an option to disable the dark overlay when controls are visible (Android)
#4384 opened by valeriiamykhalova - 1
- 8
[BUG]: In ios when call enterPictureInPicture nothing happened when called
#4382 opened by samandarkuchkarov - 1
[Feature]: Add Google IMA DAI Ads Support
#4399 opened by ab-sami - 2
- 2
- 8
[Feature]: A source.audioTracks (Sideload audio)
#4374 opened by pigeonmal - 11
- 3
[BUG]: RN 0.77 support
#4385 opened by maksymhcode-care - 3
[BUG]: Subtitle not working in iOS
#4361 opened by Nardeep - 3
[BUG]: 6.9 has compile errors when compiling for tvOS
#4365 opened by lostb1t - 1
[Feature]: Clearkey base64 support
#4376 opened by kunwarxshashank - 10