
A simple python script to extract notes from a powerpoint presentation and save them to a text file.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A simple python script to extract notes from a powerpoint presentation and save them to a text file.


  • Python 3.6+
  • Click


pip install -r requirements.txt


Usage: pptx_notes_txt.py [OPTIONS]

  Script to extract the notes from a pptx file and write them to a text file.

  -i, --input TEXT   The path to the pptx file.  [required]
  -o, --output TEXT  The path to the output file.  [required]
  -p, --prettyprint  Write the text in a pretty format.
  -md, --markdown    Write the text in a markdown format.
  -c, --custom TEXT  The path to a custom format file.
  --help             Show this message and exit.

  python3 pptx_notes_txt.py -i <inputfile> -o <outputfile>

Try it out

Go to the root directory of the project and run the following command:

python3 pptx_notes_txt.py -i ./test/Presentation.pptx -o ./test/notes.txt -p


If you want to format the text, you can use the --prettyprint option to write the notes in a pretty format or the --markdown option to write the notes in a markdown format.

A custom format can also be specified by creating a file with the .custom extension and passing it to the --custom option. The file should contain two placeholders: {slide} and {notes}. The {slide} placeholder will be replaced with the slide number and the {notes} placeholder will be replaced with the notes. For example, the following custom format will write the notes in a markdown format:

# Slide {slide}

You can try it out with the following command:

python3 pptx_notes_txt.py -i ./test/Presentation.pptx -o ./test/notes.txt -c ./test/myformat.custom

Which yeilds the following output:

# Slide 1
This is notes in the first slide

# Slide 2
Here are some more notes...

# Slide 3
…and even more here!


MIT License