- PowerShell
- Diskpart
- VirtualBox on MAC OS
- https://github.com/joshmadakor1/AD_PS.git (Link to download User list or create new one)
- Windows 10 (21H2)
- Windows Server 2019
Set up Virtual machines - Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019
Check IPv4 address for internet and internal networks
Configure Ips for Internal network
Add Remote access for client access
Set up DC Routing and remote (NAT)
Configure (new scope) IPv4/IPv6
Add the Ip address range for leases
Proof for DHCP IPv4 and 6 active
cd command into master user folder to run
Powershell (running adding users from readme.txt)
Check if usersers added from powershell
On windows machine check IPconfig
Adding Client1 to mydomain.com
Adding Client1 to mydomain.com
<h1> !!!!!Process complete!!!!!</h1>