Go IBAN service

Setup instructions


  • / - States simple usage instructions
  • /validate - Validates an IBAN if sent as POST field
  • /bban2iban - Returns IBAN upon sending BBAN and country


These can be defined in the env-vars file, which will be used for development.


Override the default host to something else than localhost


Override the default port to something else than 3000


At the moment if you send hypens or any other non-alphanumeric characters (excluding space) the validation result will always be invalid. Unless this value is set to true, then all unwanted characters will be removed, and validation will be performed.


The following examples we POST a JSON payload, using URL Encoded Formvalues should also work without a problem.

Validate Endpoint

curl -d '{"IBAN": "NL44RABO0123456789"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:3000/validate

BBAN2IBAN Endpoint

curl -d '{"BBAN":"RABO0123456789","COUNTRY":"NL"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:3000/bban2iban