
Assign records (tasks) on a round robin pattern via a Deluge script in Zoho CRM.

Core Idea

Round robin assignment rule is a cool feature in Zoho CRM but it has one major limitation - it does not work on the Activities module (Tasks/Meetings/Calls). The workaround is to perform the round robin assignment via a Deluge script. In this example, we will be doing a round robin assignment of specific tasks.

Here's an example scenario: When a Deal stage is updated to "Process Completed", you need to create a specific follow-up task assigned to the service agent team on a round robin pattern. In the same script that creates the task, we will write the script that subsquently updates the task owners based on the round robin algorithm.


  • Connection scope needed:
    • ZohoCRM.settings.ALL


Get a List of Active Users

Use a Zoho CRM API call to get a list of Active Users in the system.

userslist = invokeurl
	url :""
	type :GET
users = userslist.get("users");

Make a List of Users with the Service Agent Profile and Get the Size

Iterate through the userlist and create a new list consisting of only Service Agents (change this to whatever user profile you need).

serviceusers = List();
for each  u in users
	if(u.get("profile").get("name").contains("Service Agent"))
size = size(serviceusers);
info size;

Assign the New Owner ID on a Round Robin Pattern

  • We use the searchRecords function to get the tasklist of all tasks with subject that starts with the specific prefix.
  • If the size of the tasklist is 0, it means that this will be the first task ever created for the category.
    • Here, we assign the owner by simply getting the first index of the serviceusers list.
  • If the tasklist size is more than 0,
    • Get the previous task owner ID
      • A list begins from index 0 and by default, the records are sorted by descending order of created time.
      • When you get(0), you'll get the most recent task.
    • Find the index of the Previous Owner ID in the Service Users list
      • We already have the owner ID of the previous task.
      • By using the indexOf function, we can get identify the index number of the previous task owner in the serviceusers list.
    • Use Modulus to set new Index value
      • We now have the index number of the previous task owner. To get the index number of the next owner, we just need + 1.
      • However, we can't just keep adding 1 as the number will exceed the list size.
      • Here's where we use a mathematical operation called modulus (%)
      • Modulus will in a way, sort of create a loop that keeps the index number running according to the list size.
        • E.g. if the list size is 5, it will go 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4...
        • Click here to learn more about modular arithmetic.
    • Match the indexes to get the right new Owner ID
      • We already have the next index number.
      • To get the ID of the user, use the .get() function.
      • At this point, you have the ID of the owner, ready for update!
tasklist = zoho.crm.searchRecords("Tasks","(Subject:starts_with:" + "Complete Signed-App Process for" + ")");
if(size(tasklist) == 0)
	ownerid = serviceusers.get(0);
	// Get the previous task owner ID
	previousownerid = tasklist.get(0).get("Owner").get("id");
	info previousownerid;
	// Find the index of the Previous Owner ID in the Service Users list
	previousindex = serviceusers.indexOf(previousownerid);
	info previousindex;
	// Use Modulus to set new Index value
	nextindex = (previousindex + 1) % size;
	info nextindex;
	// Use the Index to get the new Owner ID.
	ownerid = serviceusers.get(nextindex);
	info ownerid;

Create Task

Now that we have the ownerid ready, we can create the task assigned to the correct owner.

newtask = Map();
newtask.put("Subject","Complete Signed-App Process for " + dealname);
newtask.put("Status","Not Started");
createTask = zoho.crm.createRecord("Tasks",newtask);
info createTask;
taskid = createTask.get("id");