A deluge script that updates a multi-select/ multi-user lookup field on Zoho CRM.
Updating a multi-select/ multi-user lookup field via Deluge isn't as straightforward as putting record ID in the field (as you would with normal lookups). This can be achieved by;
- Finding the Linking Module API name
- Getting the API field names in the linking module
- Creating a record in the linking module with the relevant details
To understand how this works, it is worth revisiting how a multi-select lookup works on the backend. When a multi-select lookup is made between two modules (eg; Contacts & Deals), a Linking Module (Contacts_X_Deals) is created. This linking module stores information of both Contacts & Deals, allowing a many-to-many relationship to be established.
The linking module, unlike other modules in CRM, is not visible from the front-end. The way to find it is to run an API call that gets ALL modules in CRM. This function reveals all modules in CRM (including hidden ones) and its respective fields.
- Connections needed: scope=ZohoCRM.settings.all (or) scope=ZohoCRM.settings.modules.{operation_type}
response = invokeurl
url: "https://www.zohoapis.com/crm/v2/settings/modules"
type: GET
info response;
From here, you will be able to get the relevant API names you need for the update;
- Linking Module
- Lookup field to Module A
- Lookup field to Module B
The multi-select/ multi-user lookup field can be updated by creating a record in the linking module, with the relevant IDs placed in the respective lookup fields.
mp = Map();
mp.put("lookupfield_A", "A_record_ID");
mp.put("lookupfield_B", "B_record_ID");
create = zoho.crm.createRecord("Linking_Module_Name",mp);
- Replace "lookupfield_A" with the lookup field name to module A (eg; Contacts) and "A_record_ID" with the relevant record ID
- Replace "lookupfield_B" with the lookup field name to module B (eg; Deals) and "B_record_ID" with the relevant record ID
- Replace "Linking_Module_Name" with the linking module API name (they usually look like this: Contacts_X_Deals)