
Kotlin extended Math Library

Primary LanguageKotlin


Numlin is a WIP Kotlin Math library similar to Numpy, that provides a very intuitive way to interact with Vectors and Matrices while introducing close to no runtime overhead compared to a Java implementation with primitive arrays.


Vector Math

  • Operator overloads implemented for all (sensible) element-wise operations, including all overloads for every type combination of types and assignment operations

  • Inline Classes, so a vector is exactly a double[], float[], etc. at runtime with no additional boxing

  • Primitive Java Types double, float, long, int, short, and byte are used for all vectors types, no unnecessary boxing

  • infix functions or extension properties for Common Vector Operations like length, dot, dot2, T (transpose)

  • (TODO) Element-wise operation overloads for sin, cos, etc.

  • Index Access overloads:

    • Basic access vector[0]
    • Negative Index to access elements from behind
    • Slicing vector[0..3], vector[0 until 3 step 2]
    • Rearranging vector[vec(1, 2, 6, 3)]
    • Filtering vector[booleanArrayOf(true, false, false)]
  • Generator Constructor, where DoubleVector(5) { it * 2 } evaluates to [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

  • Up to 4D GLSL Style Component Swizzling vector.xy + vector.yx


  • Operator Overloads
val a = vec(1, 0, 0)
val b = vec(0, 1, 0)

val distance = a..b // euclidean distance
val c = a.xy + b.yx

val d = vec(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
val e = d[1..7 step 2] // [2, 4, 6, 8]

val (x, y) = a

Vector Operations List

Warning: all of these functions assume both vectors are compatible, aka same-sized

Type \ Operator Scalar Vector Matrix
+ Add to each element Element-wise add
- Subtract from each element Element-wise subtract
* Scale Vector Element-wise multiplication
/ Scale Vector Element-wise division
% Modulo each element Element-wise modulo
.. Distance (Euclidean Norm)
dot Dot Product
==, !=, >, <, >=, <= TODO; TODO;
in, !in TODO; TODO;

All of these properties cause computation on every call

Property Description
T Transpose Vector
length Euclidean Length of the vector
sum The sum of all elements
dot2 Same as a dot a
normalized Vector normalized to length 1
shape Size of vector
(...x) (invoke) Returns a new array according to the indices passed Note: I'm unsure if I should keep this

Any function with a lambda parameter is an inline function

Function Description
applyMap((Number) -> Number): Self Apply-assign a function to each element, does not create a new array
map((Number) -> Number): Copy Apply a function to each element in a new array

Matrix Math


Complex Numbers


Can be created like this 1 + 2.j