
Wifi light dimmer based off of the inexpensive ESP8266 wifi modules.

Circuit design

I'm using a dimming circuit by [diy_bloke] (
Fritzing schematics are under the schematics folder.


  1. Download [Arduino-compatible IDE with ESP8266 support] (
  2. Load smartSwitch.ino sketch in Arduino IDE
  3. Fill in SSID and password
  4. Verify/adjust GPIO pins.
  5. Flash sketch to ESP


Browse to IP of ESP. Use GET variables to configure settings:

  • s = state (0 or 1)
  • b = brightness (0-255)
  • f = fade (0 or 1)

ex1: View current settings (json): http://ip.of.esp/
ex2: Set brightness to 50% and set state to on: http://ip.of.esp/?s=1&b=128
ex3: Set brightness to 100% and enable fade: http://ip.of.esp/?b=255&f=1
ex4: Toggle state (on->off or off->on): http://ip.of.esp/?s=t