#Web Portfolio project

Table of Contents

Introduction: #introduction
Features: #features
Technologies Used: #technologies-used
Getting Started: #getting-started
Usage: #usage
Contributing: #contributing
License: #license
Contact: #contact


This website is intended for use as a web developer portfolio website and the sections and pages contained within has been tailored as such.

  • Soon to be include: Image of a key feature or user flow: Image Link


  • Pages include: index.html, Project1.html, Project2,html, Project3.html
  • click/tap on each image of the project showcase section and navigate to their individual case study pages.
  • Responsive to desktop and mobile
  • Animations done with scroll reveal library

Technologies Used

Technology Version Purpose
HTML5 5.3 Structure and content
CSS3 3.0 Styling and presentation
JavaScript ES6 Interactivity and dynamic behavior
Animation Libary Scroll reveal Animate to reeal sections on scroll

Getting Started

  • Use any tool to startup project locally, Live server for visual studio code is recommended
  • You can host code on any hosting platform of your choice.

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/your-username/your-website.git

Install dependencies

npm install

Start the development server

npm start or use live Server on visual studio code


screenshot here GIF or snapshot to be included

To be updated: key functionalities and user flows. Screenshots or GIFs to visualize interactions: GIF of a user flow: GIF Link


  • The CSS of the home page can be found in index.css file in the root folder while that of the project pages can be found in project.css inside the Pages folder located in the CSS folder.


Check the LICENCE.md file for license instructions


You may contact me at ekeoreberedugo1@gmail.com for feedback
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