
Handy commands, utilities to perform simple and complex tasks with Powershell. Windows, Linux and maybe MacOS

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT


Handy commands to perform simple and complex tasks with Powershell

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This repo contains Super useful handy commands to perform simple and complex task on the command line. Powershell has powerful command line functionality due to it interopability with visual basic script, the .NET sdk and installed apps. This project also exports over 100 built in commands in powershell to be used from the Windows Command prompt.

Most powershell only commands are wrapped into batch and bash to make them available on windows command prompt and linux shell. This script is most useful if you enjoy the power of linux and unix terminal or you switch between other OSes and Windows often.

Do not heisitate to send in a PR with your awesome powershell script.

Table of content


  • Powershell 2+
  • Windows Command Prompt on Microsoft Windows
  • Any shell on Linux and unix


The script provides wrapper commands for various application e.g git, kubectl. The main requirement for Cronux is powershell 3 and above.



Run your powershell as admin and execute:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://thecarisma.github.io/Cronux/installx.ps1'))

Git Bash

If you have git bash installed use the one line command below to install cronux

git clone https://github.com/Thecarisma/Cronux.git && cd ./Cronux && ./Cronux.sh installx

Linux Bash

Install powershell following the procedure here or if you are have snap installed install with snap install powershell --classic. The install cronux using the command below

powershell <(curl -s https://thecarisma.github.io/Cronux/installx.ps1)

Download Zip and Extract

Download the zip archive from the repo or release page, extract it to any folder on your disk and execute Cronux from within the folder.

To use all the commands you will need to prefix the word Cronux before the command e.g Cronux clear, Cronux sudo e.t.c to make the command available independent of Cronux itself install Cronux with:

Cronux.bat installx


To uninstall the Entrie Cronux and it sub commands Scripts use the command below

Cronux uninstallx

To remove a single command for example when an actual program with the same full functionality has been installed e.g the ls command which mimics the windows dir.exe program should be removed when the real program ls.exe is installed (e.g from the mingwn compiler toolchain).

Cronux removecommand ls


If you already have Cronux installed you can execute the updatex command to update to the latest version.



Cronux updatex

Creating alias

The shorty command can be used to create a short alias for a long command. So instead of executing a long command from the CLI the alias script can be called to execute the commands e.g. the following command add edited stage files then commit it with the message 'new feature'.

git add .
git commit -m "new feature"

The shorty command can create a script to do the above operation without the need to type out all the git command. To create a short script for the command above just call shorty and add the command when prompt. On prompt AliasName enter the name for your generated script. On the Command prompt enter the commands if you are done youe .exit for the command value.

#AliasName: gc
#Command: git add .
#Command: git commit -m "new feature"
#Command: .exit

You command will be generated in the folder $ProgramData/CronuxShorty/. Then you can just call the script gc in your terminal instead of typing the git command.


After installation you can use the commands independently as each batch script will be generated for each command. Note that not all the command will have it own script such as the dir command as it will conflict with the installed dir program that comes pre-installed with windows.

E.g to open notepad as administrator

elevate notepad

If you do not choose to install Cronux.bat use below to execute commands from any folder. To use, extract Cronux.bat to a folder of your choice, a sample use to open cmd as administrator

Cronux elevate cmd

Powershell Exeception

If you try to execute the commands from powershell you will have to set the Execution Policy to Bypass else you should call the .bat command directly e.g instead of gitpush use gitpush.bat. Top allow the scripts to execute natively change the execution policy for your powershell to bypass:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass

or use the command in Cronux:


After you are done with the session or when you want the Execution policy to be secure again execute

Set-ExecutionPolicy Restricted

or use the command in Cronux:


It advisable to make the Execution policy restricted for safety reasons.

Available Commands

All the command are listed below with it alias(es)

$, extractx, gencert, gencodesigncert, installpfx, installpfxx,
batforps, pstobat, shforps, wrapcommand, aboutx, buildcronux,
chelp, helpx, installfolderx, installx, listx, removecommand,
uninstallx, updatex, versionx, base64, base64s, docronux, markdown2rst,
ps12markdown, psdoc, psdoc2markdown, superwatcher, touch, watcher,
watcherb, gitbranch, gitclone, gitcommit, gitcommitwd, gitfpush,
gitlog, gitlogp, gitpull, gitpush, gitstatus, say, deletepod, getpods,
kubecontext, logpod, podexec, podshell, portforward, ipof, serve,
wdetail, printhead, close, elevate, makepssafeagain, makepsunsafe,
timex, whatami, Cronux

To view all the Cronux native and exported commands:

listx -All

To view the detail help message for a command:

Cronux helpx [command]
[command] help

#e.g. base64 help


The wiki and documentation website are auto generated by Travis for every push.


If you have any issue or you just want more command to be added you can file a request issue anytime and if you just add a more interesting, fun and usefull command do not hesitate to send a pull request

May the force be with you.


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Useful Links


The MIT License Copyright (c) 2019 Adewale Azeez