Average Execution Time

Created because I was tired of running the same code thousands of times to calculate the execution time in my Parallel Computing classes.

Calculates automatically the average execution time of given C program using the utility command "time".

The number of iterations and threads are specified at running time.


  1. Clone the repository: https://github.com/Theeeccoo/Average_Execution_Time.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory: `cd Average_Execution_Time`


  1. Change the variables in the shell script (run.sh) to meet your needs.
  2. ⚠️ Pay attention to paths and the name of the file that will be analyzed;

    chmod +x run.sh
    ./run.sh Number_Of_Iterations Number_Of_Threads    
  3. In the end of execution, your result will be printed in the terminal and in the output.txt file.