Query Wizard: An AI-Driven Ticket Filtering System


Query Wizard is an AI-driven ticket filtering system that interprets natural language queries and translates them into technical filter criteria for efficient ticket retrieval. The system consists of a backend API built with FastAPI and a frontend user interface implemented using Streamlit.

Project Structure

Here’s the structure of the nl_ticket_filter project:

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Setup and Installation

1. Clone the Repository

[git clone https://github.com/your-repo/nl_ticket_filter.git](https://github.com/TheerajSubhakaarAS/Query_Wizard.git)
cd nl_ticket_filter

2. Create a Virtual Environment

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate  # On Windows use `venv\Scripts\activate`

3. Install Dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the Application


The backend is developed using FastAPI and can be started with Uvicorn. It provides the API endpoints for processing queries and retrieving tickets.

To run the backend server, use:

uvicorn backend.main:app --reload

This command starts the FastAPI server in development mode with auto-reload enabled. The backend will be available at


The frontend is built with Streamlit, offering a user-friendly interface for inputting natural language queries and viewing results.

To start the Streamlit application, use:

streamlit run frontend/app.py

This command launches the Streamlit server, and the frontend will be accessible at http://localhost:8501.


To run the unit tests for the project, use:


Ensure that you have the pytest module installed in your virtual environment.


This README.md provides a clean and informative guide for setting up, running, and testing your project, along with details on the project structure and contact information. Feel free to adjust any details such as the repository URL or contact information as needed.