Hi there 👋

🎉I'm Themba a Software Development Student, soon to be C# Full stack Developer .Net Core is my wife and visual studio my home👨🏽‍💻 I've been coding since I was 16 years old, which thanks to my amazing highschool teachers is why I ended taking the path I did and became ✨amazing✨ at it.
my path to programming is as follows:

Highschool Grade 10    : Scratch👶🏽 
Highschool Grade 11-12 : Delphi 🧑🏽
College 1st year : HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java, OracleDB 👨🏽‍🎓
College 2nd year : C#, Asp.net, Vb.net, PHP, SQL 👨🏽‍💻
College 3rd year : T-SQL, Kotlin, Firebase, API's 👨🏼‍🔧


My common frameworks for most projects are:
HTML5⭐️, CSS3🌟, Javascript💥, Asp.net☄️, Vb.net🌠, php(basic)💫, MS SQL🛸.

Frameworks that I'm currently learning (self study):
Bootstrap✨, MySQL🌱, Angular-TypeScript🔭, Microsoft Azure⚡, ML.net.💬

<===================== My Socials ====>

twitter: https://twitter.com/Themba_freeborn
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thembalethu-glen-baloyi-021489172/

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