
A discord bot

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A fun(ish) discord bot


  • Set local var "TOKEN" to your discord bot token
  • Set local var "MONGO_SERVER", "MONGO_USER", "MONGO_PASS", "DATABASE" to your mongodb server's address, username, password, and database you want zikuuu's data to be stored under
  • Make sure you have all dependencies in "requirements.txt" fulfilled
  • Rurururun that! (with python3)
  • Change newly created config.json file to suit your needs (don't forget to make yourself admin of the bot)


Config.json is set up in an, erm, interesting way. So let me take you through the basics of the structure

"repository": [
      "current": "https://github.com/Themis3000/zikuuu.git"
      "options": [

So here's an example of a setting called "repository". The "current" is what "repository" is currently set to. "options" tells you what you are allowed to set it to (in this case anything)

Here's another example:

"status_booting": [
      "current": "idle"
      "options": [

So here "status_booting" is set to "idle" and it can only be set to "online", "idle", "offline", or "dnd"

config.json reference

Setting Meaning
status The default status the bot will mark it's self as when it finishes starting up
status_booting The status for the bot when it is starting up
game The default game the bot will mark it's self as playing after it starts up
game_booting The default game the bot will mark it's self as playing while it is starting up
prefix The prefix before a command (eg. +/! +slots/!slots)
unload_cog Does absolutely nothing!
bot_owners Set who owns the bot
repository The repo link for this bot

commands reference

Command Function
allow Allow someone to join the voice channel you are in one time only
change_config Allows the bot owner to change the bots config settings
ping Pong!
repo View the git repo for this bot
set_game Sets the status of the bot (online, offline, dnd, busy)
set_status Sets the bot online status
battle Heck someone up and take their coinz gang gang style
buypet Get yo self a pet for your travels
raid Raid commands help
raid start Starts a raid
raid status Shows the status of your current raid
coinz Checks the amount of cool coinz you have
getcoinz Claim some of that mulah
gettop Get the top 5 coinz holders
slots Lose your life savings in a game of slots!
slotspayouts Get tempted into playing slots
stats See your pets stats and show off your superiority
dadjoke Get a dad joke from the dada-base (aka icanhazdadjoke.com)
help Shows the help message