A discord bot to get details of a film/tv show from TMDB with ratings from different services.
The following are the commands this bot has:
To get information about a movie:
mr.kino suggest FILM-TMDB-ID
To post the information about a movie to another text channel:
mr.kino suggest FILM-TMDB-ID to TEXT-CHANNEL-ID
To get information about a tv show:
mr.kino tv TV-SHOW-TMDB-ID
To post the information about a movie to another text channel:
You can find the above mentioned TMDB-IDs from the TMDB website.
To use the bot you will need to get you own Discord and TMDB tokens and store them in a .env file.
This is how you .env file should look like:
DISCORD_TOKEN = 'your-discordbot-token'
TMDB_TOKEN = 'your-tmdb-token'
This repository has MIT Licence