The Code has the following behaviour:
- Books can be added to the basket
- Basket calculates the total price with no discounts
- Basket calculates discounts for IT and Travel books
- Tests are provided for the current functionality
Requirement: Give 20% discount for each Fantasy book when more than one is in the basket.
Proposed refactoring:
- Transform the books List in a First Class Collection called Books: - Move respective behavior to it. - Questions about books, number of book types, sum of prices, etc
- Extract discount offers from Basket - Each discount type should have its own class - Discount classes should implement the same interface - You may need a NoDiscountsBook class to cater for books with no discounts
- Create a DiscountCalculator that contains a list of discount classes - Iterates through discount classes and calculate price with discounts
- Pass the DiscountCalculator into the Basket constructor - Basket delegates discount calculation to DiscountCalculator
Implementing the requirement
- Test-Drive the Fantasy Book discount offer
- Create the basket adding the Fantasy discount offer to it.
- New features can be slid into the code almost without change - Minor change on DiscountCalculator and NoDiscountBooks
- Changes while adding new functionality are small and localised
- Changes happen in the main (application assembly) and not in the domain - This would happen if using Dependency Injection frameworks