Chess AI by Theo Kanning
Version Notes:
1.0 - All basic features working, plays first complete game in Arena
1.1 - Piece square transitions and pawn structure evaluation added
1.15 - Transposition table added
1.16 - Fixed pv table bug in release mode
1.20 - PV line maintained through hash table
1.21 - Added null move
1.22 - Added killer heuristic
1.23 - Quiescent search includes queen promotions
1.24 - Fixed serious hash bug
- Improved get_next_move function
- In check extension for depth > 0
- Moved hash logic out of alpha beta
- Added ply adjustment for mate scores
- Check for hash draw error in all pv nodes
- Fixed hash probe bug
1.25 - Changed time margin for ending
- Late move reduction, reduce depth by 1
1.26 - Futility pruning at pre-frontier nodes (depth = 2) (not tuned)
- PVS researches are pv nodes
- Uses incremental piece square tables
- Basic king safety pawn shield
- Store mate scores in table
- Options for endgame piece square tables (not tuned)
- Mate scores tracked correctly
1.27 - Score draw after 1 rep if not in root
- Removed redundant material terms
- Added basic material draw detection
- Use only big pieces for phase
- Encourage trading while ahead
- Score adjustments for bishop, knight, and rook pairs
1.28 - Can be told to quit mid-search
- Won't null prune if mate found
- Can change options before entering UCI loop
- Tuned passed pawn and king endgame values
1.30 - Won't see if move causes check unless pruning is available
- Faster under attack function
- Better movelist clearing
- Piece-square move ordering
- SEE added, but not fully tested
- Two-tiered hash table, still depth-based
- No LMR in PV nodes
- Call PVS research as PV
- Mate score pruning
1.40 - SEE working
- Fixed futility pruning bug
- Increased mate score to prevent error with 9 queens (never going to happen)
- Full window search until alpha is raised (removed in 2.0)
2.00 - Magic bitboard move generation
- All 120 index data removed
- Pawn hash added
- Streamlined settings
- Check for draw in quiescent search