
A Reinforcement Learning demo using a simple gridworld agent. Shows concepts like reward, Q-function, and Bellman equation without using neural networks.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A Reinforcement Learning demo using a simple gridworld agent. Shows concepts like reward, Q-function, and the Bellman equation without using neural networks.

How to run

python train.py

To use the manual agent: python train.py --manual


This script controls the state of the Gridworld game. Just like a typical reinforcement learning environment, it takes in an action and returns a reward and a new state.


Controls looping through training steps and connects the agent to the environment.


A Q-learning agent that explores the environment. After each step, it updates its internal Q matrix with its latest action value estimates. Each estimate is equal to its immediate reward plus the value of the best action in the next state.


An agent that chooses actions by prompting for keyboard commands. Up=0, Down=1, Left=2, Right=3