
Import, visualize, and analyze SpiderFoot scans in Neo4j, a graph database

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

SpiderFoot Neo4j Tools

Import, visualize, and analyze SpiderFoot OSINT data in Neo4j, a graph database

A big graph

Step 1: Installation

NOTE: This installs the sfgraph command-line utility

$ pip install spiderfoot-neo4j

Step 2: Start Neo4j

NOTE: Docker must first be installed

$ docker run --rm --name sfgraph -v "$(pwd)/neo4j_database:/data" -e 'NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j/CHANGETHISIFYOURENOTZUCK' -e 'NEO4JLABS_PLUGINS=["apoc", "graph-data-science"]' -e 'NEO4J_dbms_security_procedures_unrestricted=apoc.*,gds.*' -p "7474:7474" -p "7687:7687" neo4j

Step 3: Import Scans

Spiderfoot scan ID in web browser

$ sfgraph path_to/spiderfoot.db -s <SCANID_1> <SCANID_2> ...

Step 4: Browse Spiderfoot Data in Neo4j

Visit and log in with neo4j/CHANGETHISIFYOURENOTZUCK Spiderfoot data in Neo4j

Step 5 (Optional): Use cool algorithms to find new targets

The --suggest option will rank nodes based on their connectedness in the graph. This is perfect for finding closely-related affiliates (child companies, etc.) to scan and add to the graph. By default, Harmonic Centrality is used, but others such as PageRank can be specified with --closeness-algorithm

$ sfgraph --suggest DOMAIN_NAME

Closeness scores

Example CYPHER Queries

# match all INTERNET_NAMEs

# match multiple event types

# match by attribute
MATCH (n {data: "evilcorp.com"}) RETURN n

# match by spiderfoot module (relationship)
MATCH p=()-[r:WHOIS]->() RETURN p

# shortest path to all INTERNET_NAMEs from seed domain
MATCH p=shortestPath((d:DOMAIN_NAME {data:"evilcorp.com"})-[*]-(n:INTERNET_NAME)) RETURN p

# match only primary targets (non-affiliates)
MATCH (n {scanned: true}) return n

# match only affiliates
MATCH (n {affiliate: true}) return n

CLI Help

sfgraph [-h] [-db SQLITEDB] [-s SCANS [SCANS ...]] [--uri URI] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [--clear] [--suggest SUGGEST]
               [--closeness-algorithm {pageRank,articleRank,closenessCentrality,harmonicCentrality,betweennessCentrality,eigenvectorCentrality}] [-v]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -db SQLITEDB, --sqlitedb SQLITEDB
                        Spiderfoot sqlite database
  -s SCANS [SCANS ...], --scans SCANS [SCANS ...]
                        scan IDs to import
  --uri URI             Neo4j database URI (default: bolt://
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        Neo4j username (default: neo4j)
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Neo4j password
  --clear               Wipe the Neo4j database
  --suggest SUGGEST     Suggest targets of this type (e.g. DOMAIN_NAME) based on their connectedness in the graph
  --closeness-algorithm {pageRank,articleRank,closenessCentrality,harmonicCentrality,betweennessCentrality,eigenvectorCentrality}
                        Algorithm to use when suggesting targets
  -v, -d, --debug       Verbose / debug