
Mod that allow me to enjoy my every whim and idea made manifest.

Primary LanguageAMPL

Greetings to the Ekirian Commonwealth!

This mod is my own personal project within the video game Stellaris. It is a dev branch where all my project are merged together, currently condensing:

Ekir Specie Pack (spinoff Protogens)

  • Associated with the Protogen Portrait mod this allows you to have the name in the Ekirian Commonwdealth!

Summit of Arcologies

  • An expansion of arcologies, also known as ecumenopolis, where every civilisations will find themself new districts and features to turn their arcologies to the next level.

Ekirian Stellar Navy

  • The Ekirian Stellar Navy made it's way to Stellaris and civilisations all across the galaxy have snagged a copy of the blueprints to use for their own, you too can now enjoy Ekirian designs and enjoy more diversified ship loadouts and roles!


Ekir Namelist

Ascention Perks (Work In Progress!)

  • Advanced Engineering, need more dakkas!
  • Ekirian Engineering, laugh in violence!

New scalable capital ship limits

  • Titans, twice as many, twice the devastation.
  • Colossi, crack planet! Crack fleets!
  • Juggernauts, even more aggressive

Diversified Titans

  • Several new section from burst XL and T to Carrier to advanced!

Weaponised Colossus

  • 2 new Sections

Enhanced Juggernaut

  • built-in comptability w/ NSC3
  • 4 new Sections

Weapons & components for Colossus and Juggernaut

  • T weapons for both
  • Computers for Colossi

Arcology Expansion

  • Machine-friendly
  • Science districts
  • Unity districts