Gravitational-wave Electromagnetic Optimization
The code currently can:
- interact with gracedb, download the skymaps, read them etc.
- read telescope configuration files with location, FOV, limiting magnitude, exposure times, etc.
- create the tiling based on telescope configuration (MOC, Shaon's method).
- generate exposure time as a function of tile, which accounts for number of hours available.
- perform scheduling to include most of the requested exposures
- test the efficiency of the tiling, exposure time method choices, for a given lightcurve.
Current planned improvements / open questions:
- Include moon and sky brightness when scheduling
- How to improve scheduling when multiple (and different numbers of exposures are expected)
- How to use WAW when inclination is not immediately available
- How to include distance estimates as function of sky location in PEM
Related repositories:
Rana et al:
Salafia et al:
Ghosh et al:
Chan et al:
Coughlin and Stubbs:
If you want the latest version, we recommend creating a clean environment:
conda create -n gwemopt python=3.11
git clone
pip install -e gwemopt
pre-commit install
or if you just want the latest version on Github:
pip install gwemopt
If you run into dependency issues, you can try installing dependencies via conda:
conda install numpy scipy matplotlib astropy h5py shapely
conda install -c astropy astroquery
conda install -c conda-forge voeventlib astropy-healpix python-ligo-lw ligo-segments ligo.skymap ffmpeg
And then run pip install -e gwemopt
Once installed, You can use gwemopt via the command line:
python -m gwemopt ....
where ... corresponds to the various arguments.