
Simple Transient Detection Pipeline

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

STDPipe - Simple Transient Detection Pipeline

AKA: random codes noone else will ever use

STDPipe is a set of Python routines for astrometry, photometry and transient detection related tasks, intended for quick and easy implementation of custom pipelines, as well as for interactive data analysis.

Design principles

  • implemented as a library of routines covering most common tasks
  • operates on standard Python objects: NumPy arrays for images, Astropy Tables for catalogs and object lists, etc
  • does not try to re-implement the things already implemented in other Python packages
  • conveniently wraps external codes that do not have their own Python interfaces (SExtractor, SCAMP, PSFEx, HOTPANTS, Astrometry.Net, ...)
    • wrapping is transparent: all data passed from Python, all options customizable from Python, all (or most of) outputs available back
    • everything operates on temporary files, nothing is kept after the run unless explicitly asked for


  • pre-processing - should be handled before in an instrument-specific way
    • bias/dark subtraction, flatfielding, masking
  • object detection and photometry
    • SExtractor or SEP for detection, photutils for photometry
  • astrometric calibration
    • Astrometry.Net for blind WCS solving
    • SCAMP or Astropy-based code for refinement
  • photometric calibration
    • Vizier catalogues, passband conversion (PS1 to Johnson, Gaia to Johnson, ...)
    • spatial polynomial + color term + intrinsic scatter
  • image subtraction
    • HiPS templates
    • PanSTARRS DR1 templates
    • hotpants + custom noise model
  • transient detection and photometry
    • noise-weighted detection, cutout adjustment, ...
  • auxiliary functions
    • PSF estimation, simulated stars, FITS header utilities, plotting, ...
  • light curve creation (soon)
    • spatial clustering, color regression, variability analysis, ...


STDpipe is available at https://github.com/karpov-sv/stdpipe and is mirrored at https://gitlab.in2p3.fr/icare/stdpipe

The package is in constant development, so to keep track of the changes the suggested way of installing it is by cloning the repository

git clone https://github.com/karpov-sv/stdpipe.git

and then installing from it in development (or "editable") mode by running the command

python3 setup.py develop --user

This way you may update the repository or apply local patches, and it will immediately be reflected in the installed package.

Apart of Python requirements that will be installed automatically, STDPipe also (optionally) makes use of the following external software:

Most of them may be installed from your package manager. E.g. on Debian or Ubuntu systems it may look like that:

sudo apt install sextractor scamp psfex swarp

You may also check more detailed installation instructions here.


The documentation for STDPipe is now being actively written. In the meantime you may check the examples inside notebooks/ folder, especially the tutorial that demonstrates basic steps of a typical image processing.