
Running hydrus in batch mode using Python 3. Written for Linux but can be accomodated to Windows OS

Primary LanguagePython


Running hydrus in batch mode using Python 3. Written for Linux but can be accomodated to Windows OS

Works on Linux but nothing should be different in the get_hydrus.py functions except the way the directories are written (\ seperators instead of /) and the "wine" command that is used for running windows software in linux (you can delete it when running Windows).

You basically need to write your hydrus project directory to Level_01.dir file and execute H1D_CALC.EXE


import pandas as pd

import get_hydrus as gh # this is the script with the Class that runs hydrus

import hydrus_in_out_functions as hh # hydrus change-model input and configurations functions

calc_path = '/home/theodor/Documents/hyd_calc01' # path to calc.exe file run_path = '/home/theodor/Documents/hydrus/WRF_RAIN01' # path to hydrus project folder

run hydrus

hyd = gh.hydrus_handler(run_path, exe_folder=calc_path)


If you want to change parameters and input data the hydrus_in_out_functions.py has a lot of functions

example for changing Ks:

hh.change_par_selectorin(run_path, 'Ks', 2.5);

example for changin atmospheric data:

atmdf, atmtxt = hh.get_atmosph_in(run_path) # atmdf is a pandas dataframe atmdf['rRoot'] = 2.0*atmdf['rRoot'] # you just doubled the transpiration hh.write_atmosph_in(run_path, atmdf, atmtxt) # write data back to the hydrus input file

you can now run hydrus again after the changes