Multi Objectives Evolutionary Algorithm - Association rule mining
Gather a huge number of multi objectives evolutionary algorithm for solve the association rule mining problem. This library provide state-of-the-art algorithm and tools to compare algorithm performance, futhermore you can choose the metrics which be used for objectives. It's also possible to speed up algorithm by using GPUs.
This library is initialy design to be used in experiments for articles, you have then the experiments module allowing you to specified a list of algorithm of criterion a number of repetition and it will perform the experiment and save the results somewhere:
nbIteration = 20
nbRepetition = 5
populationSize = 200
objectiveNames = ['support','confidence','cosine']
criterionList = ['scores','execution time']
algorithmNameList = ['MOCSOARM','MOSSOARM']
perf = Performances(algorithmNameList,criterionList,objectiveNames)
d = Data('Data/Transform/tae.csv',header=None,indexCol=None)
E = Experiment(algorithmNameList,objectiveNames,criterionList,,populationSize,nbIteration,nbRepetition,path='Experiments/TAE/',display=True)
It's possible to perform a RandomSearch on the hyperparameters of an algorithm and next save then load latter hyperparameters with the best performances. You can do this using this template :
populationSize = 200
nbIteration = 10,
objectiveNames = ['support','confidence','klosgen']
parameterNames = ['s','a','c','f','e','w']
d = Data('Data/Transform/congress.csv',header=0,indexCol=0)
modaarm = MODAARM([1],populationSize,nbIteration,len(objectiveNames),objectiveNames,
hyper = HyperParameters(parameterNames)
There is an example of instantiate the performance component.
objectiveNames = ['support','confidence','klosgen']
criterionList = ['scores','execution time','distances','coverages']
algorithmNameList = ['CSOARM','MOPSO']
perf = Performances(algorithmNameList,criterionList,objectiveNames)
There is an example of update the performance component, usually in the main loop
self.perf.UpdatePerformances(, executionTime=alg.executionTime, i=i,algorithmName=self.algListNames[k],,
graph = Graphs(objectiveNames,perf.scores,path='./Figures/Comparison/paretoFront'+str(i),display=False)
Display the execution time for each iteration of each algorithm
graph = Graphs(['execution Time'],perf.executionTime,path='./Figures/Comparison/execution_time')
Display the average execution time for the full execution time, that mean the sum of the execution time of each iteration.
g = Graphs(objectiveNames,[],path='../Experiments/RISK/Graphs/ExecutionTime/',display=True,save=True)
This graph allow to know how many rules each algorithm find in his pareto front. There is how compute and display the number of rules.
graph = Graphs(objectiveNames, perf.nbRules, path='./Figures/Comparison/nbRules' + str(i), display=True)
This graph display the average distance between one rule and all the others. The rules considered are the pareto front's. That allow us to know if the rules are diversified.
python g = Graphs(objectiveNames,[],path='../Experiments/RISK/Graphs/Distances/',display=True,save=True) g.GraphAverageDistances('../Experiments/RISK/',algorithmNameList)
This graph display the number of row of the dataset cover by the pareto front.
python g = Graphs(objectiveNames,[],path='../Experiments/RISK/Graphs/Coverages/',display=True,save=True) g.GraphAverageCoverages('../Experiments/RISK/',algorithmNameList)
This graphs display the value of each fitness function for each iteration.
python g = Graphs(objectiveNames,[],path='../Experiments/RISK/Graphs/LeaderBoard/') g.GraphExperimentation(algorithmNameList,'../Experiments/RISK/','LeaderBoard',nbIteration)
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- MOWSAARM MultiObjective Wolf Search Algorithm Association Rule Mining
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- NSHSDEARM Non-Dominated Sorting Harmony Search Differential Evolution Association Rule Mining
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- MOSSOARM MultiObjective Social-Spider Optimization Association Rule Mining
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- MOWOAARM MultiObjective Whale Optimization Algorithm Association Rule Mining
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- MOSOSARM MultiObjective Symbiotic Organisms Search Association Rule Mining
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- MOCSSARM MultiObjective Charged System Search Association Rule Mining
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