Githelper is a simple script to initialize a new git repo on your git server.
Download githelper script to your server:
$ wget
Customize your script, open with nano, change parameters (see configuration), save it with Ctrl+O
$ nano githelper
After customization make executable:
$ sudo chmod +x githelper
Move to /usr/bin/ folder to make accessible for everyone
$ sudo mv githelper /usr/bin/githelper
Thats it! You can access this script anywhere.
Check for version:
$ githelper -v
To see help file:
$ githelper -h
$ githelper -i
$ githelper --init
In the wizard screen you can set the name of the repository, and create a new one.
$ githelper -l
$ githelper --list
To list current configuration:
$ githelper -c
Edit these lines in githelper script for customisation.
#IP address of your git server, use static ip
#your git repo base url, this will contain subfolders
#your git repsitories info will be written in this file
#default subfolder, if you choose private there will be
# a folder with your name