
Non-deterministic Finite State Machine (with Empty Moves) Implementation

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Non-deterministic Finite State Machine (with Empty Moves) Implementation



$ bower install --save avtomat


The syntax of the constructor is:

    Avtomat.StateMachine(states, startState)


  • states is the JSON object containing the details of the machine's states (see below)
  • startState is the ID of the state acting as a start state of the machine

The states object has this following structure:

        "stateID1": {
            "final": stateFinal, // Boolean
            "transitions": {
            	// stateSymbol could be integer, float, or string
                "inputSymbol1": "stateID1",
                "inputSymbol2": "stateID2",
                // more transitions...
                "inputSymbol3": ["stateID1", "stateID2"], // NFA machine can have two or more destination states
                "": "stateName3" // for the empty (epsilon) moves, put a zero-length string for input
        "stateID2": {
        	// ...
        // more states...


  • stateID is a string which acts as identifier for a state
  • stateFinal is a Boolean value
  • inputSymbol is any object (recommended is a single character)


Method Description
getCurrentStates() Gets the machine's current state(s).
getAllStates() Gets all the machine's state(s).
input(symbol) Inputs a symbol to the machine.
reset() Resets the machine.
isStateAccepted() Determines if at least one of the current states is a final state.
isStateNull() Determines if the list of current states is empty.
addState(id, isFinal, transitions) Adds a state to the machine.
deleteState(id) Deletes a state from the machine.
addTransition(idFrom, inputSymbol, idTo) Adds a transition from one state to another.
deleteTransition(idFrom, inputSymbol) Deletes a transition from one state to another.
hasTransition(stateId, inputSymbol) Determines if the machine has a state with a corresponding input.
hasTransitions(stateId) Determines if a state has transitions.

Event related

Bind state events with bindStateEvent(stateId, type, fn). type should be one of the following:

  • "arriving" - when state is becoming a current state
  • "arrive" - when state is a current state
  • "leaving" - when state is losing its current state status
  • "leave" - when state is no longer a current state

Bind machine events with bindMachineEvent(type, fn). type should be one of the following:

  • "changing" - when machine is changing state
  • "change" - when machine has changed state

State-bound events take higher priority than machine-bound events.


	var automaton = new Avtomat.StateMachine({
		"A": {
			final: false, transitions: {
				"b": "B",
				"c": ["C", "D"],
				"d": "A",
				"": "E"
		"B": {
			final: false, transitions: {
				"a": "A",
				"c": "C",
				"d": "E"
		"C": {
			final: false,
			transitions: {
				"": "A"
		"D": {
			final: true,
			transitions: {
				"a": "D",
				"b": "E",
				"c": ["B", "D"],
				"d": "D",
				"e": "E"
		"E": {
			final: false,
			transitions: {
				"d": "D",
				"c": "C",
	}, "A");

	automaton.state(); // ["E"]: A("") => E
	automaton.input("d"); // ["D"]: E("d") => D
	automaton.accepted(); // true: D is final state
	automaton.input("B"); // []: No such transition, goes to null state

	try {
		automaton.input("a"); // []: Null states have no transitions, throws exceptions
	} catch(e) {

	automaton.nullState(); // true
	automaton.reset(); // ["E"]: Reset to original state A, A("") => E
	automaton.input("d"); // ["D"]: E("d") => D
	automaton.input("c"); // ["B", "D"]: D("c") => {B, D}
	automaton.input("d"); // ["D", "E"]: B("d") => E, D("d") => D
	automaton.accepted(); // true: D is final state
	automaton.input("e"); // ["E"]: D("e") => E, E("e") => null
	automaton.accepted(); // false: E is not a final state
	automaton.reset(); // ["E"]: Reset to original state A, A("") => E
	automaton.input("c"); // ["E"]: E("c") => C, C("") => A, A("") => E